Monday, June 18, 2007

Secrets to Selling for Top Dollar

Secrets to Selling for Top Dollar

Selling your home in the shortest amount of time and receiving top dollar is of course a seller’s desire. Maybe you have heard some agents claiming they can accomplish this feat for you if you list your home with them. Perhaps those agents also suggested that they have a list of buyers just waiting to buy a home just like yours and in your neighborhood. Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for this agent to follow through with their claim and you can count your money soon.

It would be nice if it was that easy….but just because an agent has allot of listings, doesn’t necessarily mean that they actually get homes sold, let alone sold at a top price. What it does mean is that they were good at convincing homeowners to list with them. If that agent gets enough homes listed, they know that eventually the homes priced at market value will sell; the ones in poor condition or the ones that are overpriced will eventually be reduced in price enough and then they too will sell. They just hope to still have the listing when that happens. Then they take a chunk of their commission and spend it on more image advertising to get more listings.

You may be wasting your good time believing allot of the hype from this image advertising. There is not an agent who has that special “secret”. The best thing is to find someone YOU can trust to give you good sound advice that will look out for your interests.

Find the agent that will help you face the facts and help you to take the necessary steps to get your home ready to be sold at top dollar. Marketing and negotiation are just half the equation. The two most important things that will get your home sold the fastest is price and condition…both of which are in the homeowner’s control.

Connie and I offer a pre-listing package with a 68 step system that has proven successful time and time again with the homes we have listed. Before we even meet with you, we can provide a checklist to you of items to help you get the process started. When we do meet, we can discuss what steps to take to make your home more attractive to potential buyers and also a strategy to help sell in the shortest time and for the highest price. We will explore your home and make suggestions that will put your home in a position where it will compete with other similarly priced homes on the market in the same area of town. You must know your competition to compete with it…because once your home goes on the market…that is exactly what is happening…you are competing with other homes in your area for the buyers who are ready to purchase. If you cannot get their attention with the price and condition of your home, then you will wait many months for an offer. We will make suggestions when needed to help your home sell. Many times, homeowners have the tendency to just “get used to” the loose hinges on the kitchen cabinets or overlook some small defect in workmanship because “it was that way when we bought the house”. But today’s buyers, and inspectors, don’t overlook very much at all. When your home is going on the market, it is time to face reality and may be time to make up for years of deferred maintenance. Should you decide to just skip this step, it will definitely impede the sale of your home.

One of the best things to help you get ready to sell, is to tour your competition. Allow us to make appointments and take you to four or five homes that would be in the price range of your home…so you can see first hand what you will be competing against. Remember, that buyers looking in your price range will see those homes as well, and no one can talk anyone into “buying” a home. It is a decision that buyers will make for the betterment of their families. If you make your home “sing” to buyers when they tour your home, it makes it easier for them to decide on your property over the others and may also make them feel that if they don’t act quickly that someone else will beat them out of a great home.

So, if you are ready to get started…simply call or email to
Connie Chambers or Don DeBaer. We are here to help you and ready to start when you are.
Visit for all of our contact information.